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Shipping & Return

Shipping costs will be automatically displayed during the order process. Free shipping is only available for standard shipping within Germany for orders in excess of €100. NOVAFON reserves the right to discontinue or change this service at any time without notification. 


Please note that NOVAFON only offers free returns within Germany, and only with a requested Returns slip. In other countries you will have to bear the direct cost of returning the goods. Please do not return the goods freight forward.

You would like to return a product? To arrange your free return from Germany, please go to our returns portal. Please have your customer number and a shipping note or invoice number ready. For returns from other countries, please contact us via our Return form or via e-mail at info@novafon.de. Please proceed as follows: Print out your DHL Returns label and the Returns slip on a sheet of A4 paper. Complete the return information on the Returns slip. Enclose the printed and completed Returns slip in your return package. Separate the DHL Returns label at the marked point and stick it on the outside on your return package. Be sure to keep the shipment receipt that you receive when you submit your return package.

Shipping information

Standard shipping (6-8 business days), shipping from our warehouse in Germany, if not otherwise indicated on the respective product page. Please note that shipping and delivery times are estimates only, and are not guaranteed.