Lokale Vibrationstherapie von NOVAFON
bei Pferden & Kleintieren

Lokale Vibrationstherapie
bei Pferden & Kleintieren

Pain reduction and regeneration for cats
The NOVAFON with its relaxing and reliable effect can also be used in horses, dogs, cat and other animals. Targeted local vibrations provide deep stimulation to muscles and tissue. This reduces pain and normalises motion sequences as the result of compensatory postures, e.g. in orthopaedic or neurological disorders. Animals experience this gentle treatment as very pleasant.
Lokale Vibrationstherapie von NOVAFON
Durch senso-motorische Stimulation zum Therapieerfolg
Our therapy devices and accessories
Expandable with a variety of attachments for ideal treatment results for your cat

How can cats be treated with the NOVAFON?
Here you can find all treatment options:
Where can I find further information?
Read more information online or contact us.