Local vibration therapy with NOVAFON
The gentle vibrations of the NOVAFON sound wave devices help to reduce pain and rehabilitate patients with neurological diseases. The deep tissue stimulation stimulates the body's own mechanisms and supports the rehabilitation of a variety of diseases. Functionality and control of the musculature increase. This makes NOVAFON sound wave devices a practical therapy tool in practices and clinics. Therapists and patients trust in the reliable effect and simple usability of NOVAFON. It has been shown that local vibration therapy is even more effective for chronic pain than Aspirin. Even for stroke patients, local vibration therapy improves locomotor function. For example, it becomes easier to grasp things after treatment. A number of clinical studies prove the added value of local vibration therapy.
Therapy goals of local vibration therapy
The device is most commonly used for pain relief of acute and chronic muscle, joint and tendon disorders. The gentle treatment is also used for phantom pain or chronic pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia. In rehabilitation of neurological diseases, the therapy is used to treat spasticity, hemineglect or sensorimotor disorders. The aim is to maintain or regain functions and to improve everyday activities such as writing, grasping, walking or eating.
Die NOVAFON Schallwellengeräte senden mechanische Vibrationen bestimmter Frequenzen vertikal über die Haut ins Gewebe. Diese besondere Mechanik erzeugt eine Tiefenwirkung von 6 cm, also eine Stimulation tiefer liegender Gewebsschichten, die man mit einer manuellen Massage nicht erreichen könnte. Die vertikale Wirkung ist auch ein entscheidender Unterschied zu anderen Vibrationsgeräten, die sich oft nur auf der Hautoberfläche hin und her bewegen, aber keinen besonderen Tiefeneffekt erzeugen können. Durch die Vibration werden Zellen in Schwingung versetzt und Muskelspindeln und Nervenendigungen angeregt.
Die vom NOVAFON Gerät erzeugten Schallwellen befinden sich im sogenannten "Hörschallbereich". Das bedeutet, dass die Vibrationen im Unterschied zu Ultra- oder Infraschall vom Menschen wahrgenommen werden können. Sie liegen im Bereich von 16–20.000 Hz. Die NOVAFON Geräte erzeugen je nach Modell Schwingungen von 100 Hz und / oder 50 Hz. Die Einheit "Hertz (Hz)" steht für Schwingungen pro Sekunde. Die Schallwellen werden sinusförmig, also in gleichbleibender Form, erzeugt – genauso, wie menschliche Zellen rhythmisch schwingen.
Areas of application
1. Relief from acute and chronic pain
The earliest clinical studies investigating the pain-reducing effects of local vibration therapy date back to the 1980s. Since then, local vibration therapy has become established as an effective drug-free solution for acute and chronic pain. Lasting treatment effects and the simple application, also at home, speak for themselves. The “gate control theory” claims that pain stimuli can be overlaid by other stimuli such as vibrations, thermal stimuli or pressure. Pain can thus be alleviated entirely without medication.
2. Reduction of spasticity
Acquired or congenital brain damage or spinal injuries are often associated with a pathological increase in muscle tone (spasticity). These are generally accompanied by pain and impaired mobility. Spasticity cannot be cured, but alleviated through physiotherapy and other therapeutic measures. The aim of every treatment is an increase in mobility range and a minimisation of complications such as contractions, inflamed joints and deformities. Local vibration therapy is an important building block in the treatment of spasticity. As a drug-free and non-invasive solution, this form of treatment aims to reduce the spasticity of the affected muscle and to regain motor control and thus an improved functionality of the affected extremity. A number of clinical studies showed that local vibration therapy helped to improve grasping function and gait in stroke patients and children with infantile cerebral palsy.
3. Improved exploration performance in cases of Neglect
After a stroke, patients often experience impaired visual perception, mostly involving neglect of one spatial sphere or one side of the body. This is known as hemineglect. Neck muscle vibration is a standard treatment for neglect. This simple method, often used in combination with exploration training, only requires little active input from the patient and is safe and simple to apply. Stimulation of the neck muscles can result in lasting improvement of visual perception. This not only improves exploratory ability, but also the ability to perform everyday tasks such as dressing, shaving or reading. Here, too, local vibration therapy offers a drug-free, non-invasive, effective solution.
Therapeutic successes
Pain therapy
- Reduction of joint, muscle and phantom pain
- Interruption of nociceptive and neuropathic pain pathways
- Trigger point treatment
- Reduction of spasticity after stroke and in children with cerebral palsy
- Reduction of hemineglect
- Muscle tone increase to train functional activity
- Proprioceptive system stimulation for improved motor control
Detailed information about the mode of operation, the goals and the products can also be found in our info brochure.
Gate-Control-Theory When sensory stimuli such as heat, cold, or vibrations interact with nerve fibres, the transmission of pain signals to the brain can be broken as the sensory stimuli superpose the pain stimuli. Through regular use, this effect can also be sustained long after treatment.