Local vibration therapy by NOVAFON
With sensorimotor stimulation towards therapeutic success

Local vibration therapy by NOVAFON
With sensorimotor stimulation towards therapeutic success

Local vibration therapy by NOVAFON
With sensorimotor stimulation towards therapeutic success

NOVAFON sound wave devices are Class 2a medical devices that have been used for more than 30 years in the therapeutic areas of speech therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, naturopathy and veterinary medicine. Deep vibrotactile stimulation helps to regulate muscle tone, reduce myofascial pain and improve motion sequences. Patients as well as therapists put their trust in the reliable effect and the user friendliness of NOVAFON. Only a few minutes at the start of treatment or in conjunction with an active exercise - a number of clinical studies confirms the added value of local vibration therapy. In addition, a great number of experts and specialist therapists recommend NOVAFON to their patients and colleagues. Find out more
With the aid of targeted local vibrotactile stimulation, the sensorimotor system in the areas of voice, swallowing and speaking can be stimulated and tonicity can be regulated. This results in an improved motor control and functionality in swallowing, speech and voice disorders.
Are you treating patients with swallowing, speech or voice disorders?
Patients with voice, speech or swallowing disorders often suffer from reduced perception and/or hyper- or hypotonic muscle tone and thus benefit from tactile stimulation. NOVAFON can help to regulate muscle tension, promote perception and improve motion sequences. As an activator, NOVAFON is used in the improvement of motor activation and movement execution as well as passive stimulation in the case of muscular or habitual dystonia. The deep vibrations stimulate muscles and nerves gently but effectively. They can thus be used as medical aids in the treatment of a wide range of speech and voice disorders.
NOVAFON for improved perception
and muscle tone regulation.
How to use the NOVAFON device
Myofunctional therapy
Intraoral treatment

Example: Functional voice disorder
Aim: Improved perception and muscle tone regulation
One of the main aims in speech therapy is to achieve a balanced muscle tone of the muscles involved in voice production. NOVAFON can be part of the overall concept to regulate dystonia and to achieve an improved perception of the parts of the body receiving treatment.
“In treating hundreds of patients with voice and breathing complaints, the Novafon has proven to be an almost indispensable aid.” Evemarie Haupt
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“Particularly suitable to alleviate excessive tonicity in the laryngeal muscles are vocal warm-up exercises such as chest beating, lip fluttering and jaw shaking, but also Novafon massages with simultaneous phonation.” | Schuster, M. et al. 2015. The Therapy of dysphonia. MMW - Fortschritte der Medizin. 157: 45.
Full package

Example: Swallowing disorder
Aim: Activation of relevant muscles
In patients with dysphagia, vibrotactile sensory stimulation can influence the hypo- or hypertonia of the orofacial muscles and an improved activation of the muscles generated. The deep stimulation also activates deeper muscles and nerves. NOVAFON can be used to apply tone-regulating vibrations both inside and outside of the mouth.
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Fortbildungen in der Logopädie
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Fortbildungen in der Logopädie
Empfohlene Fortbildungen
Novafon kann (bei Dysphagien) zur Aktivierung der hypotonen Muskulatur angewendet werden. | Prosiegel, M. & Weber, S. 2013. Dysphagie. Kapitel 11. S.147. Springer Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg.
Studien und Erfahrungsberichte
MediClin Reha Zentrum Bayreuth, 2016 (PDF)
Universitätsklinikum Köln, Bericht vom 13.5.2004 (PDF)
Praxis für Logopädie Wibke Kukler, Garbsen (PDF)
Praxis für Logopädie, Renate Stapf, Bericht vom 6.2.2006 (PDF)
In cases of dysphagia, NOVAFON can be used for the activation of hypotonic muscles. | Prosiegel, M. & Weber, S. 2013. Dysphagie. Chapter 11. p.147. Springer Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg.

Example: Dysarthria
Aim: Improved muscle activation
In cases of dysarthria or speech disorders, vibrations can have a positive impact on muscle tone and coordination of the organs involved in speech (e. g. passive stimulation of lips or tongue). NOVAFON can be used to apply tone-regulating vibrations both inside and outside of the mouth.
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Fortbildungen in der Logopädie
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Fortbildungen in der Logopädie
Empfohlene Fortbildungen
In the treatment of dysarthria, a range of measures is used to improve articulation. Passive stimulation of the speech organs (velum, tongue, lips, etc.) such as massages or vibrations have a positive impact on the altered muscle tone and signs of paralysis. | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachheilpädagogik e.V. 2016

Example: Orofacial dysfunction
Aim: Activation of hypotonic muscles
Myofunctional therapy aims to balance tonicity and to promote perception in the orofacial area. NOVAFON can be used to apply tone-regulating vibrations both inside and outside of the mouth. The gentle, deep-acting stimulation of the orofacial muscles can be used in children, adolescents and adults.
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Fortbildungen in der Logopädie
Empfohlene Fortbildungen
The use of manual vibration devices on the masseter muscle as well as along the upper and lower lips in mentally retarded children resulted in improved control and mobility of lips and tongue, reduced drooling and improved articulation. | Grant, L. 1982. The use of a manual vibrator in the speech therapy program of four school-age mentally retarded children. Journal of Communication Disorders.

Example: Swallowing disorder
Aim: Improvement of intraoral perception
Intraoral vibrotactile stimulation aims to improve muscle activation, tone regulation and sensitivity increases in the muscles and nerves involved in speaking and swallowing. With a range of shapes and surfaces, the intraoral attachments can be used in a variety of ways in all patient age groups. All attachments are made from medically tested materials and can be reused after hygienic treatment.
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Fortbildungen in der Logopädie
Empfohlene Fortbildungen
Use and hygienic preparation
You will find testimonials and studies listed below your specialist area to each of the respective application areas.