Horse › Head, neck & throat
Jaw joint symptoms
Neck band symptoms
Myofascial pain syndrome
Jaw joint symptoms
The horse’s jaw joint or its dysfunction can affect the entire musculoskeletal system. Muscle chains that attach to the jaw and stretch across the neck and spine can cause back pain and imbalances in the back muscles. A horse with jaw joint problems can find it very difficult to let go while working under the rider. The horse often pulls a lot, and finds it difficult to work "on the bit" or turn. Tension in the jaw joints also affects the horse’s forehand mobility. The horse also finds it more difficult to round its back and track up with its hindquarters.

Behandlung mit dem NOVAFON
Neben dem Gelenk selbst spielen vor allem die zugehörige Muskulatur und die Triggerpunkte eine Rolle. Mit dem NOVAFON kann aber die gesamte Kaumuskulatur unterstützend behandelt werden, um die muskuläre Dysbalance auszugleichen und die Bewegungseinschränkungen zu reduzieren.

Treatment with NOVAFON
With the NOVAFON the entire masticatory muscle system can be treated supportively. Treatment with the NOVAFON should last a total of 10 to 15 minutes and can be repeated daily. The intensity setting should be individually adapted to each horse, as every horse perceives the vibration very differently, especially in the head area. Always treat both sides.
Jaw joint symptoms
Muscle chains that attach to the jaw and stretch across the neck and spine can cause back pain and imbalances in the back muscles. Then a horse can find it very difficult to let go while working under the rider. The horse often pulls a lot, and finds it difficult to work "on the bit" or turn. Tension in the jaw joints also affects the horse’s forehand mobility. The horse also finds it more difficult to round its back and track up with its hindquarters.
Treatment with NOVAFON
With the NOVAFON the entire masticatory muscle system can be treated supportively. Treatment with the NOVAFON should last a total of 10 to 15 minutes and can be repeated daily. The intensity setting should be individually adapted to each horse, as every horse perceives the vibration very differently, especially in the head area. Always treat both sides.Neck band symptoms
By neck band symptoms, we are referring to the upper part of the neck band. There are two bursa sacs located here (bursa subligamentosa nuchalis cranialis / caudalis) which can show calcifications, often involving the neck ligament (ligamentum nuchae). This disorder usually occurs in showjumping and dressage horses of all ages. Discussion centres on whether holding the neck too tight triggers inflammatory processes and, in a later stage, calcifications. Affected horses usually have severe restrictions of the cervical spine, which can be accompanied by coordination difficulties and swelling.

Treatment with NOVAFON
In the event of radiol ogical findings or calcification, we recommend that you speak to your veterinarian about suitable methods of therapy. With the NOVAFON, the entire neck and throat musculature can be treated supportively. Treatment with the NOVAFON should last a total of 10 - 15 minutes and can be repeated daily. When treating the neck and throat muscles, it may be useful to include the back muscles too. The intensity setting should be individually adapted to each horse, as every horse perceives the vibration very differently, especially in the head area. Always treat both sides.
Neck band symptoms
At the upper part of the neck band there are two bursa sacs located here (bursa subligamentosa nuchalis cranialis / caudalis) which can show calcifications, often involving the neck ligament (ligamentum nuchae). Discussion centres on whether holding the neck too tight triggers inflammatory processes and, in a later stage, calcifications. Affected horses usually have severe restrictions of the cervical spine, which can be accompanied by coordination difficulties and swelling.
Treatment with NOVAFON
Treatment with the NOVAFON should last a total of 10 - 15 minutes and can be repeated daily. When treating the neck and throat muscles, it may be useful to include the back muscles too. The intensity setting should be individually adapted to each horse, as every horse perceives the vibration very differently, especially in the head area. Always treat both sides.Myofascial pain syndrome of the head, neck and throat muscles
The horse’s neck plays a fundamental role in riding. Due to its length, position and mobility, it is responsible for the horse’s balance. Pain, muscular imbalances, restricted mobility and vertebral blockages are not uncommon in recreational and sport horses. In some horses, especially tall and/or old horses, these symptoms are often associated with ossification of the vertebrae. Horses may react by rearing or bucking, and they usually pull strongly against the rider’s hand or shake their heads. Achieving the correct head position and the correct bend is restricted or no longer possible.

Behandlung mit dem NOVAFON
Neben dem Gelenk selbst spielen vor allem die zugehörige Muskulatur und die Triggerpunkte eine Rolle. Mit dem NOVAFON kann aber die gesamte Kaumuskulatur unterstützend behandelt werden, um die muskuläre Dysbalance auszugleichen und die Bewegungseinschränkungen zu reduzieren.

Treatment with NOVAFON
Depending on the findings of a specialist veterinarian, you can use the NOVAFON to treat the entire neck and throat muscles in a supportive mannerTreatment with the NOVAFON should last a total of 10 – 15 minutes and can be repeated daily. When treating the neck and throat muscles, it may be useful to include the back muscles too. The intensity setting should be individually adapted to each horse, as every horse perceives the vibration very differently, especially in the head area. Always treat both sides.
Myofascial pain syndrome of the head, neck and throat muscles
The horse’s neck is responsible for the horse’s balance due to its length, position and mobility. Pain, muscular imbalances, restricted mobility and vertebral blockages are not uncommon in recreational and sport horses. Horses may react by rearing or bucking, and they usually pull strongly against the rider’s hand or shake their heads. Achieving the correct head position and the correct bend is restricted or no longer possible.
Treatment with NOVAFON
Treatment with the NOVAFON should last a total of 10 – 15 minutes and can be repeated daily. When treating the neck and throat muscles, it may be useful to include the back muscles too. The intensity setting should be individually adapted to each horse, as every horse perceives the vibration very differently, especially in the head area. Always treat both sides.Step 1 — Stroking the masticatory muscles
In the first step, set the device to vibration level 2 and use the disc attachment on the marked area. You can work in either a stroking or continuous circular motion. The direction of treatment plays a subordinate role – pay more attention to whether the horse is relaxed and is allowing its muscles to relax. Depending on the condition of the coat, it is recommended that you work inthe direction of the coat growth. Treat each side of the face for 2 to 3 minutes.

Step 2 — Treatment of stress points
Use the ball attachment to work directly on the trigger points. It is best to feel for the trigger points with your fingertips at the marked areas. To treat these areas, connect the ball attachment, select Level 2, and adjust the intensity accordingly. Treat the trigger points for about 1 to 2 minutes each, either by applying light pressure without moving or in small circular movements.
Step 1 — Stroking the neck and throat muscles
In the first step, set the device to vibration level 2 and use the disc attachment on the marked area. You can work in either a stroking or continuous circular motion. The direction of treatment plays a subordinate role – pay more attention to whether the horse is relaxed and is allowing its muscles to relax. Depending on the condition of the coat, it is recommended that you work in the direction of the coat growth. Treat each side of the face for 2 to 3 minutes

Step 2 — Treatment of stress points
Use the ball attachment to work directly on the trigger points. It is best to feel for the trigger points with your fingertips at the marked areas. To treat these areas, connect the ball attachment, select Level 2, and adjust the intensity accordingly. Treat the trigger points for about 1 to 2 minutes each, either by applying light pressure without moving or in small circular movements. After this, treat the next sore area
Step 1 — Stroking the neck and throat muscles
In the first step, set the device to vibration level 2 and use the disc attachment on the marked area. You can work in either a stroking or continuous circular motion. The direction of treatment plays a subordinate role – pay more attention to whether the horse is relaxed and is allowing its muscles to relax. Depending on the condition of the coat, it is recommended that you work in the direction of the coat growth. Treat each side of the face for 2 to 3 minutes.

Step 2 — Treatment of stress points
Use the ball attachment to work directly on the trigger points. It is best to feel for the trigger points with your fingertips at the marked areas. To treat these areas, connect the ball attachment, select Level 2, and adjust the intensity accordingly. Treat the trigger points for about 1 to 2 minutes each, either by applying light pressure without moving or in small circular movements. After this, treat the next sore area.

In der Anwendung einfach und angenehm. Ich habe bisher die besonders beanspruchte Kiefermuskulatur behandelt (Zähne-Knirsch-Problematik). Sehr angenehm und entspannend! (...) Ich nutze es regelmäßig und gern! 1, 2 Anwenderin S., 15.02.2017, NOVAFON power