Welcome to the family
The new intraoral attachments have arrived! We have extended our intraoral attachments by 4 new models. This offers you a wider range of therapeutic options and allows you to make the logopaedic treatment of your patients even more effective. Get to know our new attachments and their application areas. Pre-order now - deliverable from mid November:
Tongue depressor head
Arrowhead attachment
- Tongue strengthening
- Lip toning
- Tongue and cheek stimulation
- Stimulation of the anterior palatal arches
- Indication of place of articulation
- Development of the median tongue furrow
Spoon head
Pellet head
- Training of tongue tip motility
- Stimulation of the back of the tongue
- Application of small amounts of nutrition
- Tone regulation of the masticatory muscles
- Development of the tongue furrow
NEW! Sensory spoon
- Bolus administration with vibrotactile stimulation
- Stimulation of the back of the tongue
- Treatment of swallowing issues
NEW! Pellet head XL
NEW! Training spoon
NEW! Olive roller
- Suction training
- Tongue guidance
- Promotion of tongue tip lifting
- Enhancement of intraoral and extraoral perception
- Promotion of tongue motility
- Strengthening of the tongue muscles
- Tone regulation of the masticatory muscles
- Facilitation of localised intraoral treatments
- Stimulation of the underside of the tongue
Tonusregulation Kaumuskulatur
Pfeilaufsatz, Kugelstab XL , Olivenroller
Kräftigung Zungenmuskulatur
Spatelaufsatz, Trainingslöffel, Olivenroller
Förderung Zungenelavation
Löffelaufsatz, Trainingslöffel, Kugelstab XL
Lokalisation, Wahrnehmungsförderung
Kugelstab, Kugelstab XL, Olivenroller
Förderung Lippenschluss
Spatelaufsatz, Olivenroller
Trainingslöffel, Sensolöffel
Welcome to the family
We have extended our intraoral attachments by 4 new models. This allows you to make the logopaedic treatment of your patients even more effective. Get to know our new attachments and their application areas. Pre-order now - deliverable from mid November:
Tongue depressor head
Arrow head
- Tongue strengthening
- Lip toning
- Tongue and cheek stimulation
- Stimulation of the anterior palatal arches
- Indication of place of articulation
- Development of the median tongue furrow
- Training of tongue tip motility
- Stimulation of the back of the tongue
- Application of small amounts of nutrition
- Tone regulation of the masticatory muscles
- Development of the tongue furrow
Spoon attachment
Pellet head
NEW! Olive roller
- Enhancement of intraoral and extraoral perception
- Promotion of tongue motility
- Strengthening of the tongue muscles
NEW! Pellet head XL
NEW! Training spoon
- Tone regulation of the masticatory muscles
- Facilitation of localised intraoral treatments
- Stimulation of the underside of the tongue
- Suction training
- Tongue guidance
- Promotion of tongue tip lifting
NEW! Sensory spoon
- Bolus administration with vibrotactile stimulation
- Stimulation of the back of the tongue
- Treatment of swallowing issues
Tonusregulation Kaumuskulatur
Pfeilaufsatz, Kugelstab XL , Olivenroller
Kräftigung Zungenmuskulatur
Spatelaufsatz, Trainingslöffel, Olivenroller
Förderung Zungenelavation
Löffelaufsatz, Trainingslöffel, Kugelstab XL
Lokalisation, Wahrnehmungsförderung
Kugelstab, Kugelstab XL, Olivenroller
Förderung Lippenschluss
Spatelaufsatz, Olivenroller
Trainingslöffel, Sensolöffel
Various possible combinations
Your personalised intraoral set
Create your individual intraoral set now - according to your needs and application areas. With the four new attachments the treatment options will expand to make logopaedic treatment even more effective.

Unzählige Kombinationen
Ihr persönliches Intraoral-Set
Stellen Sie jetzt Ihr individuelles Intraoral-Set zusammen - ganz nach Ihren Bedürfnissen. Durch die vier neuen Aufsätze werden die Behandlungsmöglichkeiten erweitert, um so die logopädische Behandlung noch effektiver zu gestalten.
Which attachments match with each other?
Tonusregulation Kaumuskulatur
Pfeilaufsatz, Kugelstab XL , Olivenroller
Kräftigung Zungenmuskulatur
Spatelaufsatz, Trainingslöffel, Olivenroller
Förderung Zungenelavation
Löffelaufsatz, Trainingslöffel, Kugelstab XL
Lokalisation, Wahrnehmungsförderung
Kugelstab, Kugelstab XL, Olivenroller
Förderung Lippenschluss
Spatelaufsatz, Olivenroller
Trainingslöffel, Sensolöffel
Tone regulation of the masticatory muscles
Arrow head, Pellet head XL, Olive roller, Pellet head
Strengthening of the tongue muscles
Tongue depressor head, Training spoon, Olive roller, Pellet head XL
Stimulation of tongue tip elevation
Spoon head, Training spoon, Pellet head XL, Tongue depressor attachment
Localisation, Enhancement of perception
Pellet head, Pallet head XL, Olive roller, Spoon attachment
Stimulation of lip seal
Tongue depressor head, Olive roller, Pellet head, Arrow attachment
Treatment of swallowing issues
Training spoon, Sensory spoon, Spoon attachment, Pellet head XL