Many patients experience a high muscle tone in the lower jaw region, often associated with pain in the region of the chewing muscles. In addition, there are jaw joint noises such as cracking or clicking and also mobility disorders of the lower jaw. In these cases, the mobility of the lower jaw is impaired, preventing the mouth from fully opening. Such functional disorder of the jaw joint may be caused by strong bruxism (grinding of the teeth or clenching of the jaw). This functional disorder is also known as craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD). Most patients are fitted with a bite-guard splint to treat this condition.
Treatment of the jaw
The NOVAFON device can be used for the regulation of muscle tone and the treatment of the sore areas of the chewing muscle (masseter muscle). NOVAFON treatment takes a total of 10–15 minutes and can be repeated up to twice daily. Before you start, plug your NOVAFON into the socket and take a comfortable seat on a chair. Carry out the treatment on the affected side, or both sides if required. Make sure to follow the steps outlined here precisely.
Slowly pass the plate attachment along the chewing muscles, from the ear down to the chin. You can keep your mouth slightly open. Perform this movement on each side for 2–3 minutes.
Now select the ball attachment. Before you continue, find your jaw joint by opening and closing your mouth. The tense spots are usually located below the joint. Switch to level I, and focus on each of the sore areas for 30–60 seconds. You can either spot-treat these areas, or use a gentle circular motion.

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Easy and pleasant to use. So far I’ve used it to treat my very tense jaw muscles (I grind my teeth). It’s very comfortable and relaxing! (...) I use it regularly; it’s great! 1, 2 User S., 15/02/2017, NOVAFON power
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